Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Year of Firsts

Last Wednesday marked the halfway point of my college career. I've been home for almost a week now, am still working on unpacking, and finally feel ready to write about the year that rocked my world. Oh, and I'm not in Daytona soaking up rays sipping Bud Light Lime on the beach with the rest of UD so I have time to blog in my room in tropical Medina. I'm not bitter! ;)

What a year it was! I learned, I laughed, I loved. (I came, I saw, I conquered?) So I thought what better way to reflect on the 2010-2011 school year than with a list of the things I did for the first time this year... here goes nothing!

1. Cried in front of people. This sounds so lame but that was a big thing for me! All part of the process of letting people in.
2. Went to Tim's. Will I become a Tim's rat next year? Only time will tell...
3. Said no to one good thing to make room for better things in my life. Freedom!
4. Enjoyed the robust flavor of Highlander Grogg coffee. I feel as though this delicious beverage is mentioned in all of my blogs but it's just so good. What was I doing with my life before coffee entered it?!
5. Lived fully in the moment - not all the time, but more than I ever have before. Everyday mantra: "Be where your feet are"
6. Watched Grey's Anatomy. Not only did I watch, I caught up with 7 seasons and became friends with the characters (don't judge!)... All the while I had my best semester grade-wise! Go figure!
7. Worked at 5 am every Friday. Awake at 4:45, roll out of bed, brush teeth, GO!
8. Took a Greyhound. First and last time I'll ever do that.
9. Went to Chicago!
10. Pulled an all-nighter. Relax, I wasn't doing homework...it was Harry Potter 7 premiere night!
11. Baptized someone, I didn't even know I could do that. What a cool moment to share with such a beautiful friend of mine :)
12. Loved. Completely, unapologetically, wholeheartedly. Gave and received it.
13. Drove a UD van.
14. Went 4 days without a shower. I was at the UDSAP house, it's okay!
15. Had friends turn into true family right before my eyes over the course of the year.
16. Had a wife. No biggie.
17. BFFL Breakfast
18. Lived at KU.
19. Lighthouse. And everything that went along with it :)
20. Became Auntie Em!

Such beautiful experiences. Such an unforgettable year. So much to look back on, so much to look forward to! What adventures will be next? Who knows, but I'm more than excited to see what's to come and embrace life with open arms. Hope you are too!

1 comment:

  1. i consider myself to be in a minimum of 2 of those firsts...CHICAGO and Timothy's.
    Hopefully I'm included in more..but I'm pumped about being thought of at least twice.
