Monday, September 26, 2011

Daily Belly Laughs

Maybe it's because team retreat left me with such JOY and peace in my heart that I can't find anything to be upset or stressed about or maybe it's the lack of sleep I've experienced in the past 2 weeks (let's be serious, all of college?) but I find myself laughing randomly, by myself, hysterically. Not just a small chuckle to myself, I'm talking like - belly laugh, you try and hold it in and you're afraid your throat might close up, shoulder-shaking, snorting, tears streaming out your eyeballs laughter. And let me tell you what, I definitely don't hate it. Even when I started such laughter in the middle of daily mass today surrounded by a few of my roommates (it's contagious, by the way) I couldn't stop, as hard as I tried - it's mass for goodness sake!! - but then I realized this laughter surely must be a gift from God. He's put some wonderful people and experiences in my life that bring such simple and pure happiness I can't help but laugh or at least SMILE about it! 

So even though I've been at the library studying for the past 3 hours, I'm still smiling randomly to myself. Although I'm trying to reign in the obnoxious laughter that makes me look like I’m convulsing, I can’t make any promises that I will be able to do so forever.

Challenge for today: find something that makes you laugh as hard as absolutely nothing and everything has done for me recently! Don’t be afraid to let your laugh be loud for all to hear (because it’s the best way to spread Fall cheer?) 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Middle Spoon

Trying to come up with a clever blog post title is about as hard as coming up with a photo album title on Facebook - you want it to be witty, but have people wondering "what is she talking about really?" here's your answer...I like being the middle spoon. Yeah, maybe now you're asking yourself "how often does Emily share a bed with two people let alone one other person?" - don't worry about it, it happens and when it does, I like to settle myself in right between whoever those bed-mates may be. If you or someone you know would like more information on cuddling or spooning, please refer to the following video:


What have you been doing with yourself for the past 4 weeks? Dying for another blog post by Emily? I'd guess not. I haven't either. But I find myself wanting to share some recent adventures both in pictoral and word form...

Approximately 2 weeks ago, I participated in the Warrior Dash in Carrolton, Ohio with some pretty cool cats - pictured below. First of all, I think the Dash was the biggest thing that ever happened to that town because every hotel, gas station, and family restaurant had signs welcoming us. Second of all, pretty sure I ran through, swam in, then "bathed" in sewage...and LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. It really did smell somethin' terrible but that hour on the course was one of the most fun I've had in quite a long time. Every time I turned around, Grace was doin' her thang, running with a big ol' smile on her face. Between that sight and Antz asking before every hill (was the whole course a hill? felt like it!) "Emily are you going to make this hill your bitch?" the race was an event I will not soon forget. If it's on your bucket list - sign up for the Dash in the spring! If it's not on your bucket list, add it and cross it off ASAP! What other venue allows you to run a 5k with random climbing, ropes, balance, fire, and mud obstacles? Next time, we'll be able to use our beer chips and spend the day properly celebrating, until then....ARF.

Per the previous residents of 57 Woodland's advice, Jann and I have taken full advantage of sleeping on the balcony as much as we can. It may come as a surprise that there is a lack of bugs up there! The cool breeze, blue emergency light on the corner of Woodland and Alberta, and early morning traffic only add to the ambiance and each time we've slumbered out there I wake up thinking, "Is this really my life? I'm sleeping on the balcony of my house at UD" Never again will I have an experience like what I have this year living in that beautiful house, and I'm soaking in every minute of it! Not only is the house itself great, but the residents I share it with are pretty alright, too. I knew it was going to be great, but could not have anticipated so many hysterical, random nights of laughter but also be able to come together for early morning prayer in the middle of the week and be there to support and love each other. I'm truly blessed to live with 5 incredible women and I thank God everyday.

Lighthouse did make its grand return into my life a few weeks ago, and I find it hard to believe we're already 4 meetings in - going on team retreat this weekend! Basically, my heart might explode from happiness since I get to spend 48 hours at Governor's Island with 16 of my favorite people in the world. Planning retreat in the fall takes me back to a year ago - who I was before I went and who I am now because of Lighthouse. Gahh...I could go on for hours about how I can't believe how much has happened in the past year and how much I've learned and grown and loved but that would be boring and I'd be a broken record. To sum it up, I am - in a word - grateful. Plain and simple. Can't wait to see who shows up at Glen Helen ONE MONTH FROM THIS WEEKEND ;) Who will be my spouse? Who will be my children? What will theme be? Oh, the wonderful mysteries of Lighthouse.

Challenge for you today: go find out your spooning preference. You might not recognize it immediately, but after some investigation, you'll discover your favorite spot to sleep in. Oh, and listen to this. And this: Jann's Wedding Song