Monday, September 26, 2011

Daily Belly Laughs

Maybe it's because team retreat left me with such JOY and peace in my heart that I can't find anything to be upset or stressed about or maybe it's the lack of sleep I've experienced in the past 2 weeks (let's be serious, all of college?) but I find myself laughing randomly, by myself, hysterically. Not just a small chuckle to myself, I'm talking like - belly laugh, you try and hold it in and you're afraid your throat might close up, shoulder-shaking, snorting, tears streaming out your eyeballs laughter. And let me tell you what, I definitely don't hate it. Even when I started such laughter in the middle of daily mass today surrounded by a few of my roommates (it's contagious, by the way) I couldn't stop, as hard as I tried - it's mass for goodness sake!! - but then I realized this laughter surely must be a gift from God. He's put some wonderful people and experiences in my life that bring such simple and pure happiness I can't help but laugh or at least SMILE about it! 

So even though I've been at the library studying for the past 3 hours, I'm still smiling randomly to myself. Although I'm trying to reign in the obnoxious laughter that makes me look like I’m convulsing, I can’t make any promises that I will be able to do so forever.

Challenge for today: find something that makes you laugh as hard as absolutely nothing and everything has done for me recently! Don’t be afraid to let your laugh be loud for all to hear (because it’s the best way to spread Fall cheer?) 

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