Monday, October 10, 2011


Jann just left for class and I told her "See you later, I'm gonna go be productive" -- that productivity has turned into blogging. I don't hate it.

Well, there's no question about it anymore - it's fall through and through. The leaves are beautiful combinations of red, orange, and yellow; the sun is shining the perfect amount; and there's a pleasant breeze to maintain the ideal temperature. I can't stop smiling! How could anyone not be completely in love with this season? It's time for the change we all know will come - eventually the leaves will fall and it'll be that nasty "w" word (rhymes with "splinter") - but the turning of the seasons always seem to invite NEW experiences. There hasn't been a single fall that I haven't loved. Bring on the pumpkin flavored things, Halloween decorations, apple cider, and sweaters!

Somehow - I honestly don't know how I get so lucky sometimes - I had a busy two and a half weeks leading up to fall break and while those sucked, it let me leave my backpack, agenda, books, etc.. at school for the blissful 4 days away from campus. Besides enjoying the weather, I got to spend time with some of my best friends - Thursday night turned into a good old fashioned sleep over with a "B" theme: brats, beans, beer, Bridesmaids, all at the Biancone household. Driving home with the Gracie Wynne was just a delight, I looked over at her a few times during the drive to catch her smiling to herself, thinking out loud "How did we get so lucky?!" We really are the luckiest girls I know.

Upon arriving back in the 330 on Friday, I walked into my house to be surprised by something...this might sound a little "out there" but I'd bet money you've all experienced this. The house I grew up the first 18 years of my life in had a very distinct smell. To me, that smell was home and was not something I could find anywhere else - maybe you recognize that smell at your best friend's or Grandparent's house. Anyways, the house my family moved into the summer before my freshman year at Dayton smelled unlived in, unloved, like no memories were made there, and completely not like home. This break, I walked in to a familiar scent I had all but forgotten about - for the first time in the 2+ years of having Pine Hill as my address, it finally smelled like home. I couldn't help but smile and I know my mom was excited when I told her.

Another weekend at home = more laughs, like always. My brother won the chili cook off hosted by our aunt and uncle and I swear, he's still bragging about it (2 days later) - it wouldn't surprise me if he talked about it until next year. Bebe Abigail ALMOST started crawling...she wants to, she does! Next time I see her she'll be a force to be reckoned with - time to start baby-proofing the house! (Something I doubt this house has ever seen)

The biggest news of fall break was Sunday morning. At 8:10 am, I began my first ever half-marathon. I kind of knew I wanted to do one but one big paycheck in the summer convinced me to spontaneously sign up for the Towpath Half in Peninsula. Training was a mental battle and it's like they say, sometimes the hardest step is the one out the door. A 9-mile run the week before convinced me that I was ready and some advice from my campus minister helped me tackle the internal battles I would no doubt face. The first 8/9 miles were honestly a piece of cake. That sounds crazy, especially coming from someone who spent her whole life playing volleyball, DESPISING running. One minute, I was at the starting line, the next I was at mile marker nine, no joke! Mile 11 proved to be extremely difficult - physically, my body was on autopilot but mentally, I was getting bored, tired of running, and felt like the end was nowhere to be seen. It was! I told myself "If you finish 11 miles, there are only 2.1 miles left - that's the loop around campus you do on easy days!" Once I hit the 13 mile mark and knew there was only 0.1 miles left, I was ecstatic. Approaching the finish line there were signs that said "SMILE!" and "RUNNERS PREPARE TO FINISH!" and a group of boys (that I swear were angels in disguise) who yelled "GO UD!!" after seeing my shirt that said I <3 UD. Finishing was the coolest thing ever. My family and Gracie greeted me after and I was speechless, almost in tears when I hugged Grace! It was such a cool, personal experience and I'm so happy I did it. I let a lot go on that run and realized I'm stronger than I think I am. 13.1 miles is no walk in the park - and my body is feeling that today! - but it was so possible because I believed in myself and had the support and encouragement of people I love.

The countdown to Lighthouse is less than 2 weeks. Excitement is an understatement. It all started for me a year ago, it will definitely be bittersweet knowing this is the last time I will physically share the retreat with the 5 people I started with back in Fall 2010 but what a blessing it is to have shared it with such amazing people I now consider family.

I'm currently sitting on my balcony overlooking the beautiful Darkside. Pinch me, this can't be real life.

Do something you wouldn't expect yourself to do today. It's October 10th, go crazy! :)

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